13 words that cannot be properly translated into Russian

The Russian language and english to russian translation is one of the richest and most popular on our planet. However, there are words that cannot be properly translated into Russian, despite the large vocabulary. What are these words? Read the article from the translation agency KGB Language Services!

1) Mamihlapinatapei (Yagan – the language of the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego) – a silent, but full of meaning view, which is shared by two people who want to do something, but do not want to start first.

Set of different traditional national symbols of russia moscow. Vector russian culture and architecture, bear and balalaika illustration

2) Ayus (Indonesian) – an unfunny anecdote, told so out of place that it is impossible not to laugh.

3) Iktsuarpok (Inuit – the language of the Eskimos) – go outside to see if anyone is coming.

4) Litost (Czech) – Milan Kundera, author of the novel “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” notes: “Regarding the meaning of this word … I have been looking for an analogue in other languages ​​for a long time, although I cannot imagine how you can understand the essence of the human soul without understanding the meaning of this word. ” A rough definition is a state of agony and anguish caused by the sudden realization of one’s own insignificance.

5) Kyoikumama (Japanese) – a mother who inexorably encourages her child to perform well.

6) Tartle (Scottish) – a hitch that occurs when trying to introduce someone whose name you have forgotten.

7) Ilunga (chiluba – Southwest Congo) is a word famous for its untranslatable. Most translators define it as “the position of a person who is ready to forgive and forget the first offense, endure the second, but never forgive the third.”

8) Cafuné (Brazilian, Portuguese) – gently run your fingers through someone’s hair.

9) Schadenfreude (German) – a word known for its meaning, which for some reason is not in other languages. Means the pleasure of seeing someone’s failure.

10) Torschlusspanik (German) – literally translated sounds like “the panic of the closing gate.” This word means “fear of diminishing opportunities with increasing age.”

11) Wabi-Sabi (Japanese) – Much has been written about this Japanese concept. It can be understood roughly as “a lifestyle based on finding beauty in the imperfection of all living things and calmly accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay.”

12) Dépaysement (French) – a feeling of homesickness.

13) Tingo (pascuense – Easter Island) – the act of obtaining desired items by gradually borrowing them from friends.